From the Blog

The Parable of Feeding The 10,000 – True Story

After sharing some life perspective on Sean entering his 60th year on Earth, Pastor Willie Mayfield joins the podcast. Willie is one of the leaders of the Real Life Christian Assistance Ministry at River City Community Church. After a week of below freezing temps in...

News, Weather, and Max

Texageddon – The Ice and Snow Storm of 2021 and COVID doesn't stop The Reaching For Real Life Podcast with Sean Azzaro! Sean shares from his iced-in bunker the good news that you are not alone, and comments on the recent win for religious liberty from the...

Lessons in Leadership / Black History Month

After a quick update on the Amphitheatre now known as The Real Life Center For The Performing Arts and a big announcement Sean shares a real time lesson in leadership witnessed in this years Super Bowl, and in recognition of Black History Month, Pastor Sean reminds us...