From the Blog

This is What We Celebrate!

This is What We Celebrate!

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 More than anything else, this is what we celebrate at Christmas! The Word… Jesus Christ Himself, became one of us so...

2021 In Review

Pastor Sean gives his take on the year, and the historical time we're in right now. Will it be a “Winter of Severe Illness and Death”? Can one Senator kill the “Build Back Better” package? And then we slide into Christmas – what...

Who's Your Provider?

National Debt – Inflation – Taxes…Hey my paycheck didn't get any bigger! Pastor Sean has a subtle reminder for you… “My job is not my Provider….it's my Provision.” Hope inside…enjoy! Press in to Christmas!...


“…Okay, God, now you're just showing off.” – Have things ever happened in your life or career where you're in the middle of something that wasn't in your vision plan or mission statement but because of something from out of...