From the Blog

Real Life Conference

Real Life Conference

I’m sitting here preparing my talk for the Real Life Conference and I’ve got to be honest…I can’t wait for this weekend! The conference is Friday night and Saturday, February 28/29, 2020. The Real Life Conference is for people who want to grow...
Christianity Today Supports Impeachment Fiasco

Christianity Today Supports Impeachment Fiasco

I am deeply saddened to see Christianity Today align themselves with what has been one of the most shocking abuses of power in our history. For this publication (to which I subscribe) to support the seemingly dishonest concerted effort of House Democrats, by endorsing...
Gratitude and the Day of Mourning

Gratitude and the Day of Mourning

Every year, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, there is an annual Thanksgiving celebration to commemorate God’s blessings and the help Native Americans gave to the first pilgrims. However, in 1970, The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) also began holding an...

Gratitude is a powerful thing!

I thank my God every time I remember you. – Phil. 1:3 I was speaking to a group of leaders a while back and referenced St. Paul’s grateful remarks from Philippians Chapter 1. A friend came up afterwards to say how much he appreciated my comments. He said he’d...

Time to Opt Out!

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6   I, like so many others, am tired of the harsh, divisive nature of…well, everything. I’m tired of how we can’t speak to one another,...