From the Blog

Christmas 2019 – Where's the Spirit?

Christmas comes at us faster as we get older. Pastor Sean Azzaro encourages you to slow down with great advice on how not to miss it. Plus what's the best way to reflect your faith with your family over the holidays, especially with that one who's not a fan...
Gratitude and the Day of Mourning

Gratitude and the Day of Mourning

Every year, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, there is an annual Thanksgiving celebration to commemorate God’s blessings and the help Native Americans gave to the first pilgrims. However, in 1970, The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) also began holding an...

Football and Gratitude – 'Tis The Season

With the holiday season comes family time, football on the TV…and thanks to the media Colin Kaepernick was back in the news & the issue of racism raises it's head again. Sean breaks out the #realtalk on why it's a sin-issue, and brings it all back...

Gratitude is a powerful thing!

I thank my God every time I remember you. – Phil. 1:3 I was speaking to a group of leaders a while back and referenced St. Paul’s grateful remarks from Philippians Chapter 1. A friend came up afterwards to say how much he appreciated my comments. He said he’d...

Capitalism vs Socialism

A lot of talk in our Capitalist Country about Socialism as Pastor Sean found himself in a conversation on economics with a business group. What does the Word says about our work, how we're to work, and who we work for. Lift a finger and click play. Email your...