From the Blog

Time to Opt Out!

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6   I, like so many others, am tired of the harsh, divisive nature of…well, everything. I’m tired of how we can’t speak to one another,...

Are You Sure You Want Vision?

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint but blessed is he who keeps the law. – Prov. 29:18 I love this verse! And why shouldn’t I? All leaders love this verse because it’s about vision! Proverbs 29 verse 18 has been used to justify and...

How The Kanye West Was Won

Sean Azzaro gets REAL on the new release from Kanye West: “Jesus Is King” and his new profession of faith. We have a new brother in Christ. Sean also makes the announcement on this years speakers for the Real Life Conference in 2020 focusing on...

Moore vs MacArthur

Sean Azzaro shares an update on the Real Life Amphitheater with big events on the horizon like The Newsboys, Easter Service and Egg-hunt, plus Beth Moore in the Spring of 2020. Sean also gives his take on John MacArthur’s comments at a Theological Conference about...