From the Blog

Vaccination Hesitation

With whole industries shook with layoffs and closures because of vaccine mandates, some are standing up saying I will risk losing my job as I will not be forced to get jabbed. Sean makes the case for Vaccine Hesitancy with the bottom line always being to PRAY....

Dr. Bruce Gilley – The Last Imperialist

Dr. Bruce Gilley is the author of The Last Imperialist – Sir Alan Burns' Epic Defense of the British Empire and is Sean's special guest on the day of its release with While it's a biography of Dr. Burns, this book was banned and...

Grace and Peace To You – The Week In Review

Huge Week at River City with Sean teaching Ephesians, Zach Williams playing live at the Real Life Amp on Sunday, we have sports smack on the Bears and Spurs, and the connection between Bob Dylan and Sean's Father. Oh yeah, and Sean addresses the topic of grace...

God, Money and Marriage

The conversation started with a misquoted scripture where people say “Money is the root of all evil” – and then Sean went off! Are Christians supposed to be poor? Are Christians supposed to be rich? Money and Marriage – how should that work?...

Family On Purpose – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a fun and practical message on Family and Discipleship featuring a panel of experts – Lauri Azzaro, Mark McLemore, Jaime McGuire, and Montie Mansur – led by Pastor Sean Azzaro. But before that Texas has made national news including some...

Family On Purpose – Part 1

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Parents, Biblically we have a job to do. And its the same job Abraham had with his “many sons”. Enjoy the conversation first with Sean and Baron...