From the Blog

Missionary Trip To The Inner City

Reaching For Real Life Podcast listener Robert submits a “Hey Pastor Sean” question on the Trinity, before Sean bails out of the conversation to head into downtown San Antonio to do some inner city mission work with Real Life Kids Camps…a mission and...

Pride Month – What Would Jesus Do

When it comes to taking on the moral dilemmas of the world, Christians are known to either “smash or dash”, but Sean says no…there's a better way. June is “Pride Month” and there's no dodging it, so what's the Christian...

Memorial Day and Graduation Day

Sean connects the dots between Memorial Day where we know freedom isn't free, and those that lay down their lives (for their friends) for their Country – and the One who gave His Life so that we can know true freedom. That conversation evolves into the...

Moral Issues vs. Political Issues

In Sean's most recent sermon he addressed some moral issues from a Biblical perspective and there were a few more “amens” and “great message Pastor Sean” after it was over…however… an email was sent by an offended member who...

Pharos Gallery and Coffee House

Pastor Sean raps with Jonathan & Lauren Shepherd about a new ministry that combines offering coffee and displaying art from local talent to create community and more specifically conversations that lead to the Creator. Their mission is to be “the fragrance...