Christianity Today Supports Impeachment Fiasco

by | Dec 21, 2019

I am deeply saddened to see Christianity Today align themselves with what has been one of the most shocking abuses of power in our history. For this publication (to which I subscribe) to support the seemingly dishonest concerted effort of House Democrats, by endorsing their impeachment of President Trump, is shameful. To see the editorial by editor in chief, Mark Galli, follow this link.

Let me be clear – I do not endorse our President’s behavior or damaging rhetoric any more than I endorse the behavior or damaging rhetoric of many of our elected officials. I do not attempt to justify his sometimes bizarre and head-scratching behavior.  In the 2016 primary, I supported Ben Carson. I went to hear him speak and found Him to be a decent man and a compelling candidate. However, he didn’t win the primary. Donald Trump did. And when given the choice between a bizarre businessman/reality TV star, and the known corruption and established abuse of power of Hillary Clinton, I and millions of others held our noses and voted for the platform that we believed had better solutions for our country.

Watching all hell break loose immediately after the election, before President Trump ever took office, seemed to confirm what many people believe. There is an out of control element in our government that will stop at nothing to remain in power. We are only now beginning to see the extent of the incredible abuses of power that were brought to bear in the effort to bring down a duly elected president.

If Christianity Today really felt the need to speak out against abuse of power, I understand that. But why were they silent for the last three years? Do you remember the two and a half years of the Russian collusion frenzy that proved to be grossly inaccurate and largely baseless? That was one of the most shocking travesties in US history and yet Christianity Today said nothing. What about the way Brett Kavanaugh, a seemingly honorable and decent man, was dragged through the mud on baseless, uncorroborated, and conflicting claims? That was one of the most blatant abuses of power I have ever witnessed – and we all watched it on national television. We didn’t have to look for proof; it was well documented by every network. Why didn’t Christianity Today speak out then?

Then, of course, there was the accusation of a quid pro quo with aid to Ukraine, which couldn’t be proven and was subsequently dropped from the impeachment language. Of course, Joe Biden has been seen in a widely distributed video admitting to this very thing when he was vice president. Where is Christianity Today with their outrage towards Joe Biden?

The impeachment claim is now that President Trump abused power by requesting an investigation to hurt a political rival. A disturbing accusation to be sure, but proving this claim depends on proving a motive, which is very hard to do. Was the President trying to investigate a crime committed by the previous administration or just lashing out a political rival? It depends on the motive you choose to assign. One is the job of a President, the other is an abuse of power.

The sad irony is we have all just had a front-row seat to an entire political party with scores of elected and appointed officials carrying out a two-and-a-half-year investigation to hurt their political rival (and a sitting president). And Christianity Today has said nothing.

In this light, their editorial feels more like pandering than principle.

Let me say again, I am truly bothered and frustrated by the President’s rhetoric and approach. But sadly, he is just one of many. I find that many people simply vote based on party platform because so many politicians don’t seem to have a character worth supporting and very few actually do what they say. Along those lines, I am tired of a large percentage of Christians being shamed into silence simply because they believe that conservative solutions are more helpful to the people of this country. None of us are perfect, nor are our candidates – and we all may have votes we will need to repent of. If you have been a Donald Trump apologist and have been attempting to portray him as a mature, righteous leader, who is God’s man, just stop it… please. This is misguided and is going to fail. President Trump is an extremely flawed leader. But of course, so is the lady he defeated in the 2016 election. Those claiming that any Christians who supported the President will have to answer for that support should be careful. If you don’t think those who voted for Hillary Clinton and her Democrat cronies, and have supported their outrageous, three-year political attack, are going to have some explaining to do, you are also sorely misguided.

As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus. That is our first allegiance and call. Our politics must be subordinate to our faith. As we attempt to steward our vote as American citizens, we need to realize that the only candidates we have to vote for are fallen and sinful people. We have to be wise and look past the campaign speeches, political correctness, and the media narratives to see what really exists and what really matters. Once we’ve done that, we either vote for the flawed sinner whom we feel will be best for the United States, or we sit out and do not vote.

In the last election particularly, I don’t feel like we had a good choice. Either candidate was deeply flawed and problematic. Occasionally, in politics, that rarest of creatures appears – an honest, skilled, Godly, candidate. But it is hard to imagine that kind of person surviving or enduring our media distorted election process. I wish Ben Carson had been our candidate. I’m sure if he had, all those who currently disparage Evangelicals would be applauding us for supporting and electing a decent Godly man. Or would they?  Maybe if Mike Pence becomes president, the rhetoric will be civil and supportive in a wave of bipartisan collegiality.

Of course, it won’t… and we all know it.

Trump is not the problem; he is simply a sad reflection of what our politics (and culture) has become. If you want to get rid of an offensive president, vote him or her out of office as provided for by the Constitution. But supporting a politically driven impeachment is wrong and sets the stage for the impeachment of every president that the majority party in the House of Representatives dislikes. Christianity Today should know better. I would be less disappointed by their current editorial had CT really shown their distaste for abuse of power by also calling it out over the last three years. But can you imagine the rage and backlash they would have faced? No, taking a bold left-leaning stance seems to be much safer. And as a bonus, it gets you much more favorable coverage from the “mainstream” press.

A good rule of thumb for Christ-followers: if the world is applauding you too loudly, something might be wrong.