Conversation with Gov. Abbott

by | Apr 24, 2020

Earlier this week, I was a part of a great zoom conversation with Gov. Greg Abbott and a group of pastors from around our state. What the Governor shared was welcome news to those of us who believe that it is time for us to begin the process of safely re-opening our state and nation.  Here are a few of the highlights from that conversation.

The Governor plans to announce phase 1 of the re-open plan this coming Monday, April 27th. He specifically stated that if grocery chains like HEB and Walmart have been able to safely operate, then other businesses and entities, including churches, can as well. The plan, which was developed in consultation with 4 medical experts in infectious disease, will outline the gradual re-opening of our economy and communities in 2-week phases. The beginning of each new phase will be dependent on the successful limiting of the spread of Covid-19 during the previous phase.

Phase 1 will be the official lifting of the “shelter at home” orders allowing people and businesses to get back to work with certain limitations, which will decrease with the successful completion of each phase. Special attention will be given to protecting people in the highest risk categories, including all people over 80 and those over 70 with other underlying health conditions.

He encouraged churches to begin to make plans to meet again within the recommended precautions and limitations of each phase, which will be announced on Monday. He also pointed out that under Texas law no city or county can legally overrule state law in these or any other matters. He expects our cities and counties to support this re-entry plan.

This is great news! This has been a challenging time and I think all of us are ready to begin the journey back to life as we know it. However, it requires a bit of courage to step out and begin to test the waters. Our intention is to begin meeting with appropriate precautions and distancing as soon as possible. Our leadership wants to support our communities as much in the re-opening as we have in the sheltering in place.

When asked how we could pray for him, Governor Abbott simply asked us to pray for 3 things: health, strength, and wisdom. I will be lifting these requests up for him, as well as for all of our national, state, and local leaders. In fact, this is my prayer for people all over our nation and the world! I would also ask you to join me in specifically praying for our churches and leaders as we navigate this re-entry into gathering together.

Filled with hope