On the Death of Rev. Billy Graham

by | Feb 21, 2018

For my entire life, Billy Graham has been a champion of the gospel and a voice for the unconditional love of God. His passing makes the world feel like a different place. Rev. Graham cast a long shadow of passion, integrity, and sincerity in pursuit of souls for the Kingdom of God.

I remember seeing him speak in person when I was a young man. His message was simple, His delivery, that night…fairly average… nothing spectacular. But I was deeply moved, even shaken, by…his urgency. It wasn’t a frothing kind of emotionalism, but rather a deep passionate urgency that knew what was at stake. I left having a different feeling about the importance of our mission, as ministers. God used Billy Graham to let me see His heart, His passion for people who are lost. I will never forget. Rest in peace, Billy. Well done.