by | Oct 22, 2022

The last few years have brought to the surface a host of alarming and extreme views that have been growing over the last few decades in various parts of our culture. Many were shocked by how quickly these views worked their way into the mainstream of our society. However, as life returns to normal, it is amazing how quickly we forget. As we prepare for the upcoming, mid-term elections, here are a few things that we must remember as we go to the polls.
There are politicians who went all in on controlling, dictatorial lockdowns, and mandates during the pandemic, ignoring common sense leadership. They fully supported the suppression of scientific debate. They unnecessarily shut down countless businesses and destroyed people’s livelihoods. We now know how ineffective and damaging this approach has been. We have seen the data and have observed with our own eyes how states that rejected this approach have prospered. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who blame the police for criminal behavior. These same politicians vocally supported the defund the police movement. This has been a disaster all over the country as crime rates have soared. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who have supported and pushed a bizarre and destructive gender ideology on our entire nation. They have ignored all observable, historical, and scientific reality in favor of advancing their radical views. Through our tax-funded schools, these people have insisted on advocating dangerous, “gender affirming,” treatments and surgery on children. This is child abuse. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who have supported the movement to redefine “anti-racism” with a deeply flawed and divisive philosophy that falsely labels most Americans as racist. They reject the unifying approach of Dr. King in favor of divisive, broad brush, racially stereotyping, attacks based on critical race theory. They have taken the great progress made by the civil rights movement and set it back decades. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who have advocated economic policies that have severely damaged our economy and hurt millions of working families, most notably the poorest among us. With the help of a deeply dishonest media, they grossly downplayed the reality of inflation numbers and have attempted to literally change the definition of recession, as though we wouldn’t know the difference. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who actively oppose enforcing our federal immigration laws. They oppose a sensible, measured approach to legal immigration, and have openly encouraged cities and states to ignore immigration law and resist law enforcement. Those of us who live in border states can see what a foolish and unsustainable policy this is. Over 200,000 illegal immigrants are flooding into our states each month. This, of course, doesn’t include the many legal immigrants that are welcomed each year. Remember this when you go to the polls!
There are politicians who have fully embraced “woke” ideology.
They have supported and actively encouraged large tech companies to “cancel” and censor people they disagree with in an effort to suppress free speech. Remember this when you go to the polls!
Woke media is a problem, but you can choose to tune them out.
Woke businesses are a problem, but you can refuse to patronize those businesses.
Woke politicians, however, make and execute laws that are enforced by fines, imprisonment, and guns. You stand up to them by voting them out of office. Remember this when you go to the polls!